Our approach to learning

At Kids' Early Learning our philosophy is to teach children to ‘Care, Share and Learn’, through providing the right environment to allow them to explore, discover and create.
Play-based learning is at the core of our educational programs. We collaborated and continue to collaborate with our families to help prepare children for life, school and all the other little things along the way.
We have 3 ‘Ready for’ educational programs that are embedded across all our services:
- Ready for Life
- Ready for Safety
- Ready for School
These are individualised to suit each child’s interests, stage of development and social skills.
All our educational programs have been endorsed by professionals in the early childhood sector, and reflect the Early Years Learning Framework and complement the National Quality Framework.
Ready for Life Program

Ready for Life is a play-based program designed to support children with fundamental skills needed to be successful in their life journey.
Its aim is to support children’s development across a number of key learning areas to ensure they are provided with a range of experiences and learning opportunities to reach their full potential.
The program is based on the National Quality Framework and Early Years Learning Framework, and is tailored to suit the needs, goals and interests of each child, with our educators working closely with families and children individually.
Through play and intentional teaching, children are provided with real-life and imaginary situations to demonstrate their abilities and understanding of the world in which they live.
The core of Ready for Life has been established around the importance of social competencies and building effective relationships.
Under the Ready for Life program there are 8 key learning areas which are taught across all KEL services. They include:
- Creativity and Performing Arts
- Citizenship
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Learnings
- International Languages and Culture
- Health and Wellbeing
- Sustainability and Our Environment
- Literacy and Numeracy
Ready for Safety Program
Ready for Safety provides information and resources to help children gain a better understanding of safety in and around the home and in the community.
The program reflects on the Child Safe Standards and demonstrates Kids’ Early Learning and Blacktown City Council’s standing as a Child Safe Organisation.
It is a program that provides our staff with information about keeping children safe while they are in care at the service, and also includes resources that can be shared with families on topics such as child protection and how to keep children safe when they are online and have access to technology.
It is important that our educators and families work together to help children identify and communicate when they feel ‘unsafe’ or ‘uneasy’ and provide them with practical ways on how to stay safe as well as care for their bodies and minds.
There are 3 units under Ready for Safety. They include:
- Healthy Living
- Wellbeing
- Safety in the Environment
Ready for School Program
As part of our transition to school program, we have devised a curriculum, endorsed by professionals within the Early Childhood sector.
In an active and learning environment, Ready for School supports children in becoming confident and self-assured learners and assists in developing their literacy, numeracy, scientific thinking, physical and social and emotional skills.
Children’s social competencies are critical to their school readiness and success in their learning journey at school.
The program is specifically tailored to the individual goals and needs of each child, with our educators continuously working with families on modifying their educational programs.
Ready for School is structured so that children are encouraged to take agency in their learning to enhance their curiosity, problem-solving, inquiry and reasoning skills.
There are 4 topics under the Ready for School program. They include:
- Life Ready
- Learning Ready
- Socially and Emotionally Ready
- Physically Ready

Munch & Move
Munch & Move is NSW Health initiative that supports the healthy development of children birth to 5 years by promoting physical activity, healthy eating and reduced small screen time (e.g. watching TV or DVDs, playing on computers and small hand-held games devices)
Munch & Move offers training and resources to educators working in NSW early childhood education and care services. The training aims to assist educators to implement a fun, play-based approach to supporting healthy eating and physical activity habits in young children. The Munch & Move program fits within the new National Quality Framework and the Early Years Learning Framework.